COUNTERSTRYX®. One solution for all your devices.

Products & Services

High-speed data is now the heart of telecom systems. Your services depend on it. CounterStryx manages it like never before.

xDSL. EPON/GPON Fibre. Cable QAM and DOCSIS.

With telecom and cable networks moving to a full IP infrastructure, CounterStryx understands that your services are dependent on the high-speed data connection. CounterStryx gives you the same view and diagnostics regardless of the network type. We handle mixed networks to ease technology transitions and reduce staff training time. You get the consistent cross-system, cross-technology views, with troubleshooting that understands the dependencies between HSD and IPTV/OTT and other services.

Configuration problems identified. Revenue leakage from unauthorized devices and mismatched packaging detected. And the industry’s most advance  cloning control – with same-day automated detection and interdiction.

Video has more options and more complexity than ever before. Give your people the tools they need to troubleshoot fast. And get your payback benefit from the industry's leading revenue assurance tools.

Nothing makes it easier.

One diagnostic screen covers all video devices on your system, regardless of the technology. We cover everything from traditional QAM/cable to the latest IPTV systems. Billing, provisioning, middleware and conditional access DRM data are integrated, analyzed and audited daily. Full authorization packaging cross-checks. With the same interface across vendors and technologies.

With Tracker Automation, CounterStryx identifies problems and can automatically correct them. Technical corrections improve customer satisfaction and avoid truck rolls. Revenue leakage corrections improve your bottom line. And the fastest piracy detection and countermeasures in the industry keep your system safe.

VOD is critical. We treat it that way. Fast access to activity and error logs. Revenue leakage control. Exactly what operators expect from MAXXIAN.

Video-on-demand management has never been easier – or faster.

CounterStryx VOD Option collects and analyses low-level VOD activity in real-time, and displays data at the device, account, service group and server levels. With multi-vendor, multi-system integration.

We check that everything is properly configured. Billing credit. Middleware and security system authorizations. Network communications. VOD server authorizations. CounterStryx lets you see it all, with faster access to VOD activity logs than the VOD vendors themselves can provide.  We have longer log retention to resolve customer disputes. Get the payback you need with unauthorized usage detection and identification of uncollected buys missing from your billing system.


COUNTERSTRYX®. One solution for all your devices.


CounterStryx HQ gives you one access point and one interface across multiple systems and vendors.

You have merged or acquired multiple systems. You have multiple billing, security and VOD vendors across different network types. You are introducing IPTV OTT technology enabling PCs, tablets and smartphones to connect to the network.

CounterStryx HQ was built for some of the largest most complex environments in the industry. One interface access point for everything. Cross-system analysis and audit to identify inventory duplication errors.

We are already handling systems with millions of video and high-speed data devices for some of the largest most innovative operators in the industry.

You operate a mix of merged systems, with multiple billing, security/DRM and VOD vendors. You're trying to re-organize and optimize. You need MAXXIAN.

Our technical team has worked hand-in-hand with operators on system merges, splits and conversions. We identify and correct problems before the transition. We are there during the transition to cross-check configurations before you pull the switch to automatically correct problems before they are noticed.

Migrating between billing or technology vendors? CounterStryx maintains device account history throughout the transition to help you track the source of conversion problems.

Find out why major vendors recommend MAXXIAN to their customers.

Some of the largest operators in the industry call on MAXXIAN when they suspect piracy and digital hacks. Because they get results from CounterStryx.

With CounterStryx’s unprecedented coverage of the operational chain from billing through provisioning, security, networking components and customer devices, no other supplier has a more comprehensive view of the entire system. No other vendor has our track record.

We have developed tools that detect hacked and cloned video and high-speed data devices as they appear on the network. We have deployed same-day countermeasures that prevent VOD access and device operation. Nobody reacts faster. Nobody solves it faster.


Maxxian Case Studies

Truck Roll 101: Full Account Diagnostics

Because the caller can’t tell you everything that’s wrong.

Giving your field techs the complete picture.


Access to a customer’s home is an opportunity to do it right the first time. We provided custom screens that show all the problems CounterStryx can see – power level, response, authorization – not just the one the customer called about. The field tech gets a unique opportunity to fix things before the customer notices. We’ve made it available on laptops with VPN access to the operator’s site, through APIs to field tech’s hand-held devices, through dispatcher screens.

Truck Roll 201: Taking Responsibility and Measuring the Results

Service calls are move effective when you measure the results and hold people accountable.

Proven results by ranking field techs and their supervisors.


CounterStryx was enhanced to receive closed truck roll reports from the billing system. Then we checked to see if the problems were corrected. Reports are provided by field tech, rolled up to supervisors and directors. With daily and weekly analysis rankings. Our customer feedback? “The fastest change in installer behaviour we’ve ever seen”. “Now they’re using those expensive scopes we bought them.” The hard results? 15% drops in service calls within 3 months of implementation. We’ve measured the same effect across multiple implementations.

Truck Roll 301: Confirming VOD Operation

VOD is your strategic advantage. Make sure it works.

Confirming VOD on all devices.


A major operator wanted to ensure that VOD was tested on all devices during every service call. Building on our earlier reporting, we added a check to the CounterStryx VOD product to see if a VOD transaction had been successfully initiated on all set-tops on the account. The truck roll data was augmented so we could separately report on the quality of new installations – so new customers get the extra attention they deserve.

Custom Dashboards Now Have One Source for Data Diagnostics

One set of APIs makes it all available – with advanced controls logging.

Device level. Account level. Access to all the data you need.


The greatest problem for  operators developing custom customer service dashboards is getting access to technical data from the devices, security systems and network components. Vendors do not provide interfaces or documentation.


Maxxian has solved that problem for them. Our customers use CounterStryx’s APIs to get access to device and account level information. Stored values from periodic extracts, or real-time access. Device refreshes to ensure the data is current and accurate. Configurable controls to ensure device networks aren’t flooded with repeat requests.


Operators can focus their development on their critical business operational rules procedures to build the best dashboards possible.

Reduce Chronic Poll Times, Reduce Network Traffic

Unnecessary polling is a major network traffic generator.

Why are inactive set-tops being polled?


Chronic set-tops polls on large CA systems took more than 5 days to run. We found that set-tops that were disabled long ago were still being polled. These disabled units often represent up to 30% of the inventory on a CA system. Some were obsolete models. We implemented a CounterStryx Tracker Automation process to disable the polling for these units, to remove unused authorization records, to issue deactivation commands to ensure they were indeed inactive. Chronic poll times dropped to less than 12 hours. The size of the CA database was significantly reduced. And some of the units came back to paying accounts. This is now a standard CounterStryx process.

Duplicate IP Addresses – Unduplicated

Fixing the problem before the customer notices. Before the truck rolls.

A recurring problem gets a real-time solution.


An operator uncovered a problem with improper IP addresses. A set-top assigned to a new account could still have its old IP address. On recognizing a new account authorization system, the CA system would allocate the device a new IP address, but the device would not acquire the new address until it is rebooted. The device would be unable to access VOD and other advance services, and might even have a duplicate IP address if its current address was reallocated by the CA. This resulted in a significant number of truck roll service calls. Using our existing monitoring capability for transaction flows between the billing and the CA system, we added a process to automatically detect the authorization streams for new accounts. When we spotted one, we checked the network activity logs for reboot/IP address allocation activity – and automatically sent the device a reboot command within minutes. We went from problem identification to production solution in under 10 days.

Cable Cards Now Paired for Life

Making sure cable cards stay paired when boxes move between systems.

Pairing re-pairing for reliable operation.


A scan of the CA systems showed that cable cards were often unpaired with their host set-top. This can cause problems for digital rights management copy protection. The problem was worse for operators with multiple CA systems. We tracked the issue to a billing system design decision. After a card is initially paired, billing assumes it is paired for life. Set-top movements between CA systems did not re-pair the cards. CounterStryx now runs daily scans of all CA systems and automatically pairs any unmatched units.

Getting Device Sharing Under Control 101

Box sharing. Account Stacking. Illicit “friends and family” program. Whatever you call it, CounterStryx helps control it.

Detect it. Correct it. Prevent it.


CounterStryx detected hundreds of accounts – including employees – with set-tops being shared across households. While a warning was sufficient for most people, some objected, refused operator access to the home. Historical device movement logging in CounterStryx shows when the device moved. We added a ping feature the revenue assurance people could run without using the head end staff resources. A successful ping with the home’s street tap disconnected was proof-positive that the device was not in the intended home. At another operator, our historical data tracked the activity to a team of rogue installers.

When word gets out that your operation won’t tolerate it – with CounterStryx action to back it up – growth in illicit sharing is largely stopped.

Getting Device Sharing – and Movement – Under Control 201

Someone moving their set-top to their bar for the big fight? We got that.

Device sharing is often detected because of unauthorized movement. We see two set-tops on the same account responding from different locations.

But what if it is a single device which has been moved to an unauthorized location? What do we have to compare it against?

With deep historical data analysis, Maxxian has developed the capability to detect device movement within an hour without massive amounts of network polling.

We analyse account and area data to ensure it was an actual move, and not an account or network change.

We’ve patented a fail-safe process that stops the set-top from viewing without changing the authorizations. Fail-safe because if our process goes down or the set-top returns to its original location, it resumes normal operation with no correction required.

Set-top Piracy 1/Vendor A: More Than Just Cloning

Stopping it fast is the most powerful deterrent.

Cloned set-top MAC addresses were the tip of the iceberg.


We alerted an operator to set-top cloning on their system – where the same MAC address was appearing on two different network segments. We dug deeper than the vendor did and found that this was only the tip of the iceberg. There were more tampered devices with unique MAC addresses. The ratio was almost 100-to-1, the devices were accessing VOD content in alarming numbers. Within two weeks, we developed and deployed a custom countermeasure to detect, within minutes, the appearance of tampered devices on the network – and to immediately halt their ability to access VOD. The illicit VOD access was not just reduced – it was eliminated.

Set-top Piracy 2/Vendor B: More Clones, More Variants

Detecting as they appear. Dynamically adapting to hack changes.

Real–time detection through network monitoring.


An operator contacted us to perform a secondary piracy audit. Their vendor was running a periodic, network intensive scan to detect hacked set-tops, with a master key changes as the recommended solution. We analysed the behaviour of the tampered units, developed a process to detect them individually as they appeared on the network – and to interfere with their operation. The CounterStryx process proved faster, detected more tampered units,  detected cloned instances of the tampered units. Our countermeasures interfered with tampered devices as soon as they were detected. After the operator performed  a master key change, our process automatically detected a new variant to the set-top hack as it appeared – our countermeasures were still effective.

Cable Modem Cloning Becomes Unprofitable

Automatic detection. Automatic deactivation of new instances.

Fast action makes cloning futile for hackers.


An operator heard a rumour about cable modem cloning. They thought they were safe because their provisioning processes were supposed to prevent the problem. We showed them it was happening, we didn’t stop there. We developed a process to detect new clones within hours of their appearance on the network. We added verification across CMTS, hub sites to make cloning identification a company-wide process. Then we added the intelligence to differentiate between the tampered and the legitimate unit – automatically control the new cloned instances within hours of their appearance on the network.

Detecting And Stopping Rogue Employees

When access to authorization systems is not controlled.

Authorizations added on security system, but not on billing. Find out who did it.


The CounterStryx reports showed a dramatic  increase in set-tops with VIP authorizations on the security system/controller, but not on the billing system. The controller logs had no information. We instrumented the controller to determine when the privileges were being added. Combined with a strategically-placed hidden camera, the perpetrators were identified, with the appropriate consequences.


About Maxxian


MAXXIAN doesn't just detect some of toughest revenue and operational problems in the industry. Our systems are trusted to automatically prevent and correct them. With real-time and periodic scans, problems are often handled before the customer notices, and before the truck rolls.

Starting with our first  system audits over 10 years ago, MAXXIAN pioneered cross-system and cross-technology technical analysis and automated revenue assurance. We developed unique, patented technology to efficiently and unobtrusively extract data from security/conditional access, network, and billing systems. We show  the revenue leakage and operational problems caused by the inconsistencies we identify. Our software corrects the problems, and tracks the results and benefits.

Our customers are some of the largest, most complex and innovative telecom operators, with mixed telephony/DSL, cable/DOCSIS and fiber EPON/GPON systems. When the largest vendors in the industry can’t provide results, operators call MAXXIAN.

Constant customer feedback guides all our development. From those initial cable systems, we evolved with the industry to cover VOD, DOCSIS, xDSL, EPON/GPON, IPTV and the latest OTT devices. CounterStryx HQ supports all these technologies in a single, integrated system, and we’re adding more every day.


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